Help Us to Bring Life-Changing Music Sessions to More Special Schools in Birmingham

SFE staff member with an Inspiring Sounds participant
Music can often be the only way people with severe and profound learning difficulties are able to communicate with the world around them.
Inspiring Sounds works with teachers in specialist schools to use music as a way to engage students and open routes to communications, interactions and a world outside of themselves, which can be life changing for those involved.
Many special schools know the value and impact music can have for their students, increasingly these schools cannot provide the funding to source music specialists. Tiger Tiger gives non-music specialist teachers the skills and insight to incorporate music into their regular sessions, enabling their students to engage and enjoy the activities.

Project Focus
SEND engagement
Children and young people
Music engagement
Skills development

Why donate?
Music works wonders for people with disabilities.
By donating to Inspiring Sounds you will be helping us make equip specialist schools with the skills to deliver music sessions for young people with disabilities.
In partnership with University of Roehampton, we have created a brand-new music resource called Count Me In! as part of the Inspiring Sounds project.
Count Me In! is a must-have resource for class teachers, teaching assistants and other non-music-specialist staff supporting children with learning difficulties in special schools and alternative provisions, as well as for musicians from music services, music hubs and other arts organisations who visit schools.
Supported by our findings during the Inspiring Sounds Project, Count Me In! is specifically designed to support non-music specialists deliver music in special schools, though it can be utilised by mainstream schools and staff also. We have gifted the book and accompanying resources to all 27 special schools in Birmingham.