Group of adults smiling around a man playing piano

Community Choirs Relaunch

SFE Community Choirs stopped last year as a result of Covid.

The choirs are unbelievably important for the target audience, that being the older generation who are at risk of feeling isolated.

To get the choirs back on track we need funding.

We have set up a Just Giving Page to crowd fund which, you can access and donate directly from here.

Every Penny Counts

In the UK, the number of older people is increasing and with family networks stretched across the country, it can mean if you are older, immobile and living alone it becomes lonely very quickly and this will have an effect on mental health.

What’s that old saying? ‘every penny counts’, it’s true! If you donate, you’re supporting a good cause, you’re doing a good thing and you’re helping lives – genuinely!

We have set a target reach of £1000 by 30th June 2021.

All donations will go towards; teaching, an accompanist, resources (song books, prints and software), coach hire, rehearsal room hire and performance venue hire by which, you will of course receive an invitation to our event to listen, watch and enjoy the Community Choirs joined with a huge smile!

Smile, Laugh, Sing and Most Importantly, Together

Studies show that singing as a community supports mental health and the socialising aspect is the main medicine in the recovery of feeling a sense of belonging, self-worth as well as an increase in wellbeing.

More on the benefits of community singing here.

We collect memories over the years and music has a way of triggering them if we hear a song, we have a personal connection with. Research reported people with dementia and alzheimers who hear a song they enjoy, responded with ‘wide-eyed wonder’ and it is something really beautiful to watch, because they are happy.

Singing prevents depression, click here to read more.

Young at Heart

We are all growing older but our minds don’t, we stay young at heart and keeping active through singing keeps us that way by enhancing our physical and mental wellbeing. Singing keeps us alert, it improves our mood and it supports mental health.

Re-entering the world post-lockdown is scary for anyone but if you have been living alone for a long time, being able to return to a sense of normality is going to make all the difference and help smooth the process.

A sense of normality and structure is important for life balance and wellbeing, which can be found at Community Choirs reducing the likelihood of anxiety and stress.

As discovered through research – read more here.

 “Singing makes me feel grounded, happy and energised – the community choir is an amazing opportunity for personal development in an environment which is diverse, supportive and fun!” SFE Community Choir Member, 2020

The choirs will engage approx. 60 older people in weekly term-time rehearsals culminating in a series of performance opportunities for all to enjoy.

To find out more about our Community Choirs and how to join and get involved, please feel free to get in touch at [email protected]

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