Tiger Tiger; An End of Year Update

Our Tiger Tiger programme provides weekly multi-sensory and creative activities for adults with a mixture of disabilities that fall under the categories Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD), Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD), autistic spectrum disorder and blindness/visual impairment.

This year, we engaged around 24 participants, along with their carers, in a range of activities structured around different themes such as music, theatre, puppetry and visual arts. By using a range of sets, lighting, instruments and props and focusing on a series of themes, practitioners were able to develop participants’ skills through repetition of activities whilst exploring new sounds and environments.

Activities were tailored to the specific needs and abilities of those attending. By ensuring each element of a workshop was accessible to those with the most barriers first, everyone was able to engage within the space; participants were able to use play, movement, music and drama to fully immerse themselves in an environment that they wouldn’t normally be able to explore.

As well as being fun for those involved, sessions encourage participants to interact with the world around them, improve their fine motor skills, cognition and spatial awareness as well as improve their confidence and communication. Sessions enabled them to use creativity as a way to meet others and forge new friendships, and similarly gave parents/carers the opportunity to meet others in similar circumstances. Parents/carers were also able to learn new ways of interacting with their loved ones at home, and get signposted to other organisations that may be able to support.

”Maria’s life is enriched by attending weekly Tiger Tiger sessions. The staff are so tuned into Maria and her needs and ensure that the whole session is accessible to Maria.

Maria is non-speaking, autistic and has severe, profound and multiple difficulties and she engages fully with the sessions. Tiger Tiger staff find ways of communicating with Maria without using words, she particularly responds to the music.

When Maria hears the first line of the ‘hello’ song, she instantly recognises it and she shows her excitement by rocking and smiling- sometimes giggling! Tiger Tiger allows Maria’s family to take part in an activity with her that neurotypical people are able to access freely, however, this is not the case for Maria.

Tiger Tiger creates a session tailor-made for supporting adults with additional needs to engage in and experience immersive multisensory workshops. Family and carers also benefit from the experience as it is a special time to share with a loved one.”

For more information about Tiger Tiger, or to make a donation, please click here.

About the Author

Sarah Caldwell
Sarah Caldwell – Fundraising Manager, Services For Education

Sarah Caldwell joined Services For Education in Summer 2023, bringing with her over 14 years fundraising experience. Working in the Birmingham charity sector, she has raised valuable funds for a range of projects impacting the day to day lives of young people with disabilities.

Sarah has experience across a number of fundraising streams (including Trusts & Foundation, Events and Corporate Fundraising), and brings this, along with a strong interest in building relationships with supporters, to her role at SFE.

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